Daring to dream

Welcome to my new website. On here you’ll find blogs, links to my books, news on upcoming releases and events. Maybe even the odd competition…

Safe Zone books 1 & 2 launched in August 2017 and life has been a bit of a whirlwind since then.

I wrote the first book for me. To prove to myself that I could commit to the time and effort required to write a circa 90k word novel. At first, I kept it quiet, only a few people knew what I was attempting. Then as the first draft was completed and I signed the contract with DHP Publishing, it somehow became real, and I began to tell my family and close friends.

Then launch day arrived and with it a plethora of emotions. Seeing the books that I had poured my soul into becoming available for public consumption and criticism is frankly terrifying.

Throughout the first few days, I became an Amazon stalker, checking the rankings and reviews. That first weekend I swear I must have pressed refresh on Amazon.co.uk over 100 times.

I’d like to say the greatest moment of all was seeing the book sat next to one by my favourite authors or it reaching number 2 of the Hot New Releases in the genre. But no, what gave me the most pleasure was the messages I received from people telling me that they’d always wanted to write a book and seeing someone they know publish a book makes their ambition feel achievable.

To unwittingly motivate someone to achieve something they’ve always wanted to do is the greatest feeling and I sincerely hope that they all achieve their dreams.

I’ve learnt so much from writing these books, and in coming blogs, I’ll be sharing some of this with you.

I’m certainly no expert literary genius, it’s unlikely that I’ll ever have a New York Times Bestseller.  I’m just a regular thirty-something-year-old woman who one day put pen to paper and dared to dream.


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